Aim: The main purpose of conducting this experiment is to understand the basic concept of the ABO blood group system and to know our blood group and type.

Materials required : Toothpicks, Blood sample, Alcohol Swabs, Lancet, Clean glass slide, Sterile cotton balls, Biohazard disposal container, Monoclonal Antibodies (Anti- A,B & D)


RBCs or erythrocytes are differentiated from each other on the basis of their surface antigen structures.

Several blood grouping systems have been described in humans. Among these, ABO blood grouping systems is the most important system for screening, transfusion & transplantation practice today. ABO blood grouping system divides blood into 4 groups ( A,B,AB,O ) based on the presence or absence of antigens A & B on the RBC surfaces and naturally occurring antibodies anti-A and anti-B on serum.

The presence or absence of the A,B and D antigens on human red blood cells can be determined by testing the red blood cells with the respective antisera, specifically Anti-A, anti-B, Anti-A,B and Anti-D. The procedure is based on the principle of agglutination. The erythrocytes of a person contain blood group antigens on the surface of the membrane. When these antigens are allowed to treat with corresponding antibodies, antigen-antibody reaction occurs and and form agglutination. Agglutination indicates the presence of an antigen-antibody reaction while lack of agglutination indicates the absence of an antigen-antibody reaction.



  • Take a clean glass slide and mark A,B,D on it.
  • Now wipe the ring finger with the alcohol swabs and rub gently near the fingertip, where the blood sample will be collected.
  • Prick the ring finger with the lancet.
  • As blood starts oozing out, allow it to fall on the three circles of the glass slide by gently pressing the fingertip.
  • Unpack the Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) kit. In the first circle add Anti-A, to the second circle add Anti-B and to the third circle add Anti-D with the help of a dropper.
  • Apply pressure on the site where it was pricked and to stop blood flow. Use the cotton ball if required.
  • Mix the blood sample gently with the help of a toothpick and wait for a minute to observe the result.


Observation & Report:  DO the experiment in lab and write it here.

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