Buy Magnesium Hydroxide Mixture - 500ml | Indigestion Relief

Aim: To prepare and submit 30ml of Magnesium hydroxide mixture BP

Hydroxide IP Synonym: Milk of Magnesia/Cream of Magnesia.


  • Beaker
  • Glass rod
  • Glass funnel
  • Measuring cylinder
TYPE: Suspension containing diffusible solids (Biphasic liquid for internal use)

Ingredients Official Formula Working Formula
Magnesium sulphate 47.5g 14.25g
Sodium hydroxide 15g 0.45g
Light Magnesium oxide 52.5g 1.6g
Citric acid 1g 0.03g
Chloroform 2.5ml 0.075ml
Purified Water(freshly boiled and cooled) 1000ml 30ml


    MILK OF MAGNESIA  is used as antacid and laxative. According to its usage to its usage the dose changes. the mixture contains an aqueous suspension of hydrate magnesium oxide not less than 75 w/w and not more than 8.5% w/w of magnesium hydroxide. It cannot be directly prepared by suspending magnesium hydroxide in water. Magnesium hydroxide is prepared in using magnesium sulphate, sodium hydroxide and light magnesium oxide.

    Magnesium hydroxide prepared from magnesium sulphate is gelatinous and from magnesium oxide is heavy and settles fast. Therefore, magnesium hydroxide prepared from both will remain in colloidal condition for longer time without clumps the precipitate of magnesium hydroxide is washed several times with water to remove sulphate ions. If sulphate ions are present the purgative action of sodium sulphate precipitates and causes constipation problem at later period. Chloroform acts as preservative. If glass containers are used for storage 0.1% w/v citric acid maybe added to minimize leaching of alkali from-glass. freezing of magnesium hydroxide is avoid as it produces coarsening of particles.

  • Dissolve NaOH in water & add MgO. Mix throughly to make a cream.
  • Add sufficient quantity of water to produce 5ml.
  • MgSO4 is dissolved in another mortar with little quantity of water
  • Mix the solution of NaOH and MgO with MgSO4 solution.
  • Stir the mixture during mixing & allow the precipitate to settle down. Remove the supernatural liquid.
  • Wash the precipitate with purified water several times until precipitate is free from sulphatelons which can be confirm by sulphate test.
Observation Observation
A few drops of

washing + few drops of barium chloride reagent
No precipitate

No reaction

takes place
Add few drops of dill
Hcl to the above

Precipitate dissolves or clear solution
Sulphate ions absent stop washing
White precipitate form
Reaction takes place
Precipitate insoluble
Sulphjate ions present continue washing

  • The washed precipitate is mixed with water.
  • The volume is made up to the required quantity with water.
  • The suspension is transferred into a tightly close container.
Category: Antacid (Neutralizes acid in stomach, relieve heartburn) and (laxative(promotes emptying to bowels, used to combat constipation)

Dose: Antacid 2-4ml; laxative 8-16 ml

Direction: Shake well before use.

Storage: Store in a well closed blue color container in warm place protected from light (not in cool place to avoid aggregation of solids).
Report: 30ml Magnesium  hydroxide mixture I.P  prepared and submitted

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