Aim: To prepare and Standardize 0.1NM Sodium Hydroxide

Apparatus & Chemical Required:

Burette, pipette, Conical flask, volumetric flask, 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution,Potassium Hydrogen phthalate solution, Phenlopthalein indicator.

Principle: Standardization is a process or method by which the actual strength or concentration of the solution is determined. Secondary standards are standardizes by primary standards. Sodium hydroxide is a secondary standard and is standardized by using primary standard potassium hydrogen phthalate by and acid base titration, Phenolpthalein is used as an indicator and the end point is indicated from colorless t pale pink colour.


  • Preparation of 0.1M potassium hydrogen phthalate
  • Disssolve 20.422g of potassium hydrogen phthalate in small quantity of water then make upp\ the volume to 100ml  with distilled water.
  • Preparation of 0.1M sodium Hydroxide
  • Dissolve 4G of sodium hydroxide in small quantity of water then make up the volume of solution to 1000ml with distilled water.
  • Standardization of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide.
  • Pipette out 10ml of above prepared potassium hydrogen Phthalate solution into a clean conical flask add 0.1ml of phenlopthalein solution and titrate with 0.1M NaOH solution until a permanent pink colour is produced. Repeat to get concordant values. Molarity of sodium Hydroxide can be calculated by using formula.

M1V1 =M2V2

Sodium Hydroxide =NaOH=23(Na)+16(O)+1(H)=40

Report: The molarity of given sample of sodium Hydroxide was forum to be _____M


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