AIM: To prepare and submit 20g of simple syrup IP

TYPE: Monophasic liquid for internal use.


Sl. No
Official formula
Working Formula
1 Sucrose 67g 13.32 g
2 Water(Qs) 1000g

PRINCIPLE: Simple syrup is thick and viscous solution of sucrose in purified water, in which the high concentration of sucrose (i.e-66.7% w/w) is used according to IP. However the concentration varies in USP (85%). It is having sweet taste and flavor, it is used as sweetener and vehicle. The concentration of sugar is high therefore the solution is heated to increase the rate of dissolution. The self-preservative activity of syrup is attributed to the high osmotic pressure therefore micro organisms cannot grow in syrups. Syrups should be stored at a constant temperature to prevent crystallization and in well-closed containers to prevent entry of moisture.

PROCEDURE: Depending upon the quantity of preparation to be submitted the working formula is calculated 

  1. Hundred ml empty beaker is weighed and the weight is noted. weigh the required quantity of sucrose in a beaker.
  2. 1/4th quantity of water is placed  in the beaker.
  3. Heat the mixture in a water bath and stir well until it is dissolved completely.(over heating of sugar solution is avoided as it leads to caramelization).
  4. After cooling purified water is added to makeup the required weight.
  5. If necessary, syrup is filtered through muslin cloth.
  6. The simple syrup is transferred into a light resistant container.

CATEGORY: Pharmaceutical aid(sweetening agent) 

STRENGTH: 66.7% w/w sucrose.

REPORT: 20g of simple syrup IP was prepared and submitted.

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