Aim: To prepare, label and submit 30ml of Cresol with soap solution I.P

Apparatus required:

  • Beaker
  • Glass rod
  • Glass funnel
  • Water bath
  • Measuring cylinder


Ingredients Official Formula Working Formula
Potassium hydroxide 42gm 1.26gm
Vegetable oil 180ml 5.4ml
Cresol 500ml 15ml
Water up to 1000ml 30ml
Synonym: Lysol solution

 This preparation is used for its disinfectant property. Cresol is sparingly in water (2% v/v) however its solubility can be increased to 50% v/v by dissolving in soap solution. Soap being a surfactant, at critical micelle concentration( CMC) it form micelles. As micelles have hydrophilic surface dissolves quickly in aqueous environment which in turn enhances the solubility of entrapped cresol.
Soap is prepared in situ by heating vegetable oil and potassium hydroxide in presence of water(saponification). Free fatty acid present in vegetable oil upon heating undergo alkaline hydrolysis to yield potassium soap.

  •  Dissolve potassium hydroxide in small amount of water, add to it vegetable oil. Heat on a water bath with stirring until completion of saponification(one drop of this mixture when added to water should mix without separation of oil drops)
  • Add cresol and mix thoroughly
  • Transfer into a previously calibrated bottle using funnel and filter paper.
  • Make up the volume to the desired level with water
  • Label and dispense
Category: Disinfectant (agent that kills vegetative form of microorganisms when applied on inanimate objects)

Strength: 50%v/v of cresol

Storage: Store in a well closed lead free container in cool place( disinfectant property of cresol is reduced in presence of lead).

Caution : Avoid contact with skin. Keep out of reach of  children

Direction: For external use only.
REPORT: 30ml of Cresol with soap solution was prepared and submitted.

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