AIM: To identify the morphological characters of given organised drug.

SYNONYM: Senna ki patti, sonamukhi, Indian senna, Tinnevelley senna.

BIOLOGICAL SOURCE: It contains of dried leaflets of Cassia angustifolia valh. 

family: Leguminosae.

        It contains Not less than 2.0% of glycosides calculated as sennoside B.



COLOUR: Yellowish green

ODOUR: Slight

TASTE: Mucilaginous, slight bitter

SHAPE: lanceolate with stout periols, entire margine with acute apex and having asymetrical base. Venation is reticulate anastomosing towards margin.

SIZE: 2.5 to 5cm long and 3-8 mm wide.

EXTRA FEATURES: Isobilateral, thin, pubescent(hairy) with trichomes on both surfaces.

CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: Anthroquinone glycosides mainly A,B,C and D.

USES: Irritant purgatives.

REPORT: The given organised drug was identified as seena.

A. Transverse Section of Senna leaf

Aim: To identify  the transverse section of senna leaf.

Materials Required: 

  • Hydrochloric acid.
  • Phloroglucinol 
  • Glycerine
  • Watch glass
  • Microscope slide
  • Cover slip
  • Blade 
  • Brush
  • Compound Microscope


  1. Lamina: Isobilateral
  2. Upper epidermals: Single layred; Polygonal, straight, anti clinical walls, few cells contain mucilage. epidermis covered with cuticle.
  3. Mesophy II: 
    1. Upper Palisade: Single layered; Elongated; compactly arranged; Narrow thin walled parenchyma; Continued over midrib region.
    2. Spongy parenchyma: Thin walled, loosely arranged, large intracelluar spaced Spheraphides present.
    3. lower palisade: Loosely arranged, wavy walls, cells smaller than upper palisade
  4. Lower epidermals: Similar to upper epidermals.
    1. Trichome: Conical, Unicellular, thick walled, covering trichome,
    2. Stomata: Rubiaceous(paracytic)
  5. Midrib:
    1. Palisade parenchyma: single layer.
    2. Crystal sheath: Present at dorsa and ventral side, Parenchymatous layer containg calcium oxalate prism.
    3. Sclerenchymatous sheath: lignified, thick walled cells, covering the vascular bundle.
  6. Vascular Bundle: 
    1. Xylem: lignified cells present at ventral side.
    2. Phloem: Non lignified cells present at dorsal side.
  7. Collencyma: Multilayred, thick walled parenchyma containing cellulose present only ventral side.
B. Powder Microscopical character of senna leaf:
    Aim: To identify the powder Microscopical characters of Senna leaf.
    Biological source: Obtain from dried ripe seeds of Cassia angustifolia.
    Family: Leguminoceae.
  1. Senna leaflets have an isobilateral structure with straight walled epidermal cells.
  2. Nonlignifid, unicellular warty hairs(trichomes) (upto 260um long) are scattered on both the surfaces. These hairs are more abundant in Alexandrian senna having two subsidiary cells, while Indian senna has two or three subsidiary cells (in a ratio of7:3).
  3. Prismatic and cluster calcium oxalate crystals can be observed.
  4. Vein islet numbers for Alexandrian senna is about 25-29.5 while that for Indian/Tinnevelly Senna is19.5-22.5.
  5. The transverse section contains upper and lower epidermis, upper and lower palisade cells with an inner mesophy II. The mesophy II contains vascular bundles, xylem, fiber groups, and calcium oxalate crystals. Below the midrib is the collenchymas.
                       Anthracene glycosides, sennoside (A, B, C & D)

            Take a few places of leaflet and boil with dil. H2SO4 and filter it while it is in hot condition. Take the filtrate and extract with an equal amount of benzene or chloroform or petroleum ether. Separate the organic layer and add ammonia solution. The aqueous layer acquires pink or red colour by standing aside.

It is used as laxative.
Cassia acutifolia:leaves with acute apex.
Cassia angustifolia:plant with narrow leaves.

  • A drug facilitates evacuation of the bowels.
REPORT: The given crude drug was identified as with the help of various Histological character (T.S) powder microscopical characters and chemical test.

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