AIM: To carry out the Qualitative analysis of seventh group compounds 

(Nitro compounds)

Sample: Nitrobenzene
I. Preliminary Examination
Experiment Observation Inference
a)Physical State
Liquids Aldehyde, ketones alcohols, Phenols, aniline
b) Colour Yellow Aldehyde, ketones alcohols, Phenols, aniline
c) Odour
Charecteristic odour(bitter almond

Esters, aldehyds, alcohols and anilines
Ignition Test:
Ignite a small quantity of the substance taken on nickle spatula
Burns with smoky flame

Aromatic Compound
Test for Unsaturation
Substance + water +0.5ml of sodium carbonate solution + KMnO4 solution drop by drop shake.
No Decolourisitation of KMnO4
Unsaturated Comounds


 Detection of Special Elements (Nitrogen, Sulphur & Halogens) by Lassaigne's Test Preparations of sodium fusion extract (SFE)

 Place a small piece of freshly cut dry sodium in a dry sodium fusion tube and melted to a shining globule. Introduce 2drops of 0.1g of the given substance. Heat the tube gently in the beginning and then strongly to red heat for 1-2minutes. Then plunge the red-hot tube into about 10ml distilled water taken in a mortar. Grind the mixture and filter. The colorless filtrate is called stock solution.

Test for nitrogen, sulphur and halogens are carried out with the stock solution:  
Experiment Observation Inference
Test for Nitrogen:
2ml of stock solution+few crystals (0.1-0.2g) of ferrous sulphate, boil gently, cool, acidify with dill H2SO4 till the solution is clear, add neutral FeCl3

Blue Or Green Colour
Nitrogen Present
Test for Sulphur:
a)2ml of stock solution+ 2-3 drops of freshly prepared sodium nitropusside solution+ 1drop of dil NaOH
b) 2ml of stock solution +2-3 drops of lead acetate solution+ 1drop of acetic acid
No purple colour

No brown/Black colour

Sulphur Absent
Test for Halogens:
(Cl, Br&I)
1ml of stock solution +1ml of dil HNO3 boil well, Cool and then add 10% AgNO3 solution
No Precipitate
Halogen Absent

 Soluability Grouping

Water Ether 5% NaOH
5% NaHCO₃ Dil. HCL
DIl H₂SO₄ Group
- - - - - - VII

Report: Given Sample contains nitrogen and doesn't belong to any group from-I-IV and insoluble in Cold  Conc. H2SO4, hence belongs to group VII

Qualitative Tests for Nitro Compounds:

Experiment Observation Inference
1. Mulliken's and Barkers Test:
Substance +2ml ethanol +1ml CaCl₂ + pinch of Zn dust or tin boil for 5min cool and filter into 2ml of Tollen's reagent. Heat on water bath if necessary
Black ppt Nitro Compound
2. Acid Reduction Test:
Substance +Conc HCl+pinch of Zn dust boil, cool perform dye test. Add 0.1 gm of NaNO2 soln cool at 0-5C and add Î²-Naphthol soln in NaOH
Red color dye
Nitro compound
3. Janowsky reaction:
Substance+5ml acetone+2ml of 5% NAOH shake well
Faint yellow color

Mono nitro compounds present
44. Substance+Feso4 crystals+dilH2so4+ethanolic KOH. shake well
Brown ppt

Report: The given sample is yellow liquid , aromatic, unsaturated, given sample contains nitrogen and doesn't belongs to any group fromI-IV and insoluble in cold Conc H₂SO₄, hence belongs to groupVII. Positive for Acid reduction test, Janowsky test. May be mono nitro compound- Nitrobenzene.

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